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Change The Story

Change The Story: How to Act Justly

Change The Story: How to Act Justly

Change the Story

What can we do?

In the final talk of this series, three members of Highgrove Church discuss some of the practical steps they have taken in their own lives to help ‘change the story’.

In the talk, Hannah mentions Bristol Waste’s ‘Waste Nothing’ challenge. You can learn more about this HERE.

The Highgrove Church Facebook page, mentioned by Ed towards the end of the talk, can be found HERE.

Change The Story: Choose Life!

Change The Story: Choose Life!

Change the Story

Whose world is it anyway?

In the first talk of our 'Change the Story' mini-series, Ed Marsh looks at some of the key issues we face today when trying to be responsible stewards of the world we live in.

In the second part of this talk, Maria shares some personal experiences and provides practical steps for us to consider implementing in our daily lives.