Welcome! This is the place to find lots of resources, downloads, links and lots more. Take a look around. If you are interested in coming along to church on a Sunday morning or finding out more about what we do, please contact us.

At Highgrove Church our children meet in three different groups. Sparklers is for children aged 1-4, Superstars for 4-7 year olds and Trailblazers for 7-11 year olds.

9.30am service

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Superstars is our group for Children in Key Stage 1 (age 4-7). It happens in the 9.30 and 11am service. With a smaller age range the children are able to create friendships and learn together through play and chat.


Sparklers is for children aged 1 -4 years. It’s a loving and safe space where we learn about God together through play, sensory activities, stories and songs. Parents are welcome to stay or leave their children.


11am service

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Trailblazers is for all children in Key Stage 2 (7 -11 year olds). With an emphasis on small groups there are lots of opportunities for the kids to discuss their own faith journeys, pray for each other and grow as a community. We also do a lot of games!


Superstars is our group for Children in Key Stage 1 (age 4-7). It happens in the 9.30am and 11am service. With a smaller age range the children are able to create friendships and learn together through play and chat.

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There’s no need to register in advance for our groups but if you’d like more information please click on the button below and fill out the form.

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33 things to chat to God about

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A bonus for parents

Subscribe to the parenting for faith podcast for quarenencouragements and more…


Worship Playlist

check it out here…


Bedtime Stories



All the Jimmy videos in one place





Family Resources

Jess and Nigel from Woodlands Church talk about the coronavirus. This is a great video for children who have worries or questions.


Thinking about the God of Space


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Prayer Master Challenge Walk

to do during your daily exercise.

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Over the summer term in our Children’s Church groups we thought about who Jesus is and what he said about Himself.

We added words to our Word Art each week as we learnt more about who Jesus is.

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I am the True Vine


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I am the Way, the Truth and the Life.



I am the Good Shepherd


I am the Resurrection and the Life

Family Devotional

Acts 2 When the day of Pentecost came, they were all together in one place. Suddenly a sound like the blowing of a violent wind came from heaven and filled the whole house where they were sitting.

They saw what seemed to be tongues of fire that separated and came to rest on each of them

All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit enabled them.

Our Children’s Church video for this week, worship, story and fun.

R (6) did all of this on her own apart from saving and uploading. Well done!

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