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Exploring Easter

How is death defeated?

How is death defeated?

God's rescue plan came to fruition as Jesus is raised from the grave, defeating the power of sin and death! 

Why did Jesus die?

Why did Jesus die?

Wasn’t there another way God could have acted other than Jesus dying? Why did there have to be a sacrifice? What did Jesus’ death actually achieve?

What is truth?

What is truth?

For some people, the truth of who Jesus is offends them. To others, the truth doesn’t make any sense. This has been the case ever since Jesus walked the earth and is demonstrated in this passage. What is the truth about Jesus? Who did he claim he was?

Why is God silent?

Why is God silent?

What can we do when God seems silent? In the garden Jesus prays to his Father, seemingly with no reply, and yet he still obeys. What can we learn from Jesus’ reaction to God’s seeming silence, and how can we engage with God in those times when he doesn’t seem to be speaking?

Why bread and wine?

Why bread and wine?

Why did Jesus give us communion? This is a chance to teach about the symbolism of the bread and wine, the importance of the new covenant and the links to the Passover and Jesus being our sacrifice. 

Application - what purpose does communion have in the modern, global church, and what impact does it have on us as individuals?