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Faith Works

Faith Works: Responsibility of Wealth

Faith Works: Responsibility of Wealth

These verses can be a slap in the face to our western lifestyles. How do we tackle them without either melting in a heap of condemnation or glossing over them as not being relevant to us?

Faith Works: Cynical World James 4

Faith Works: Cynical World James 4

James commands us not to judge others. But in a world where ‘everyone’s a critic’ how do we recognise judgement and cynicism and also guard our hearts against it?

Faith Works: The Power of Words

Faith Works: The Power of Words

Words can either build others up or cut them down. What does James have to say about how our faith should change the way we speak to and about others?

Faith and Love in Action: James 2

Faith and Love in Action: James 2

James tells us, “Faith without deeds is dead’. How do we grapple with this statement alongside the belief that we are saved by grace alone? And what implication does it have for the way we live our lives?

Faith Works: James 1

Faith Works: James 1

Talk is cheap! It’s easy to say we have faith in Jesus without putting that faith into action. The book of James is a ‘how to’ manual sharing wisdom to help us live life the way Jesus is calling us to. Let’s put our faith to work!