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Good Grief

Good Grief: Lament

Good Grief: Lament

The Psalms is the worship book of the bible and many of them are songs of lament, coming to God with grief and hard questions. The challenge of suffering is that very often our grief and our questions cause us to move away from God rather than closer to him.

How and when can we incorporate lament into our worship diet? What songs of longing and lament are there? How do we find a God who grieves with us and over us when we bring our griefs to him.

Good Grief: Longing

Good Grief: Longing

Who hopes for what they already have? Longing seems to be part of the human psyche, ‘God has set eternity in the hearts of men’ says the writer of Ecclesiastes. What part has longing played in your spiritual journey?

Good Grief: Loss

Good Grief: Loss

Loss is inevitable. What does the Bible have to say about how we face life's losses? Is there such a thing as good grief?