Over 27 million people worldwide have attended an Alpha course, taking the opportunity to explore the meaning of life in a relaxed and unpressured social environment.

Alpha is designed for people who are interested in finding out more about the Christian faith. People come for lots of different reasons and Alpha is ideal for anyone asking questions about faith and interested in exploring ideas. It's also great for new Christians, newcomers to church and those wanting to brush up on the basics.

You’re invited to Try Alpha at Highgrove Church

The Highgrove Alpha Course takes place on Tuesday evenings and is totally FREE! The evening provides a chance to get to know some people over drinks and puddings, and includes a short thought-provoking film, then a chance to ask questions and discuss in a small group context.

Our current Highgrove Alpha Course finishes soon, but contact us to express your interest in the next course.

Stories about Alpha

Ashlee didn't give God much thought until she was invited to do an Alpha Course. She tells the story of how it changed her life.

We asked a few people to tell us their experiences of our Alpha Course. What is it, what does it do and why is it so good?

Any questions?