Youth — Highgrove Church

Welcome to Devo Online!

Devo, our group for young people aged 11-18, meets each Sunday morning during our 11am service at Highgrove Church. We head down to the Methodist Church on the Sea Mills Square during the service, to have our own youth time. We walk back up to Highgrove Church for the end of the service at 12.15pm.

Other things going on:

Devo Worship Academy

We love giving teenagers opportunities to grow their skills and talents. That’s why we have set up the Devo Worship Academy. It is a program to give those interested in music the chance to grow in their musical skills and learn how to lead worship in a band. We run termly musical workshops, have opportunities to join the band on Sunday mornings, and older worship leaders who would love to come alongside you to encourage the God-given musical gift within you.


We know teenage life can be a really fun and exciting time. But it can also be confusing, painful, or hard. That’s why we think it is so important to cheer you on and encourage you as you journey through. If you would like some extra support or would like the opportunity to talk through anything with a Devo leader, we offer mentoring. A chance to meet with a Devo leader to talk about life, ask life’s big questions, pray, read the Bible, and share life together.

Devo Weekend Away

Achieved Summer Challenges

Over the summer we had lots of challenges you could do, why not give one a go if you missed them. Send in any pics or videos of you completing the challenges.