Join us as we celebrate Easter!
We invite you to join us as we reflect and celebrate on the significance of Easter and the joy it brings. There is something for everyone!
Maundy Thursday Tenebrae Service
THURSday 17 APRIL 8-9 PM
Highgrove Building
Join us for a service of quiet meditation through communion, prayer, Bible readings and silent reflection as we reflect on Jesus' passion and death.
Easter Sunday Sunrise Service
sunday 20 APRIL, 7 am
top of shirehampton golf course
A wonderful way to kick off our Easter celebrations along with other local churches.
Easter Sunday Celebration Services
sunday 20 APRIL, 9.30 am and 11 am SERVICES
highgrove building
Join us for one of our special Easter Celebration services. Come for music, stories, an egg hunt and fun for all the family to either service. Easter treats, tea and coffee served in between at 10.30am.