Journey to the Cross — Messages — Highgrove Church

Viewing entries in
Journey to the Cross

Journey to the Cross: The Peace Giver


Journey to the Cross: The Peace Giver


What does flat pack furniture have to do with Jesus?

In the final Sunday of our ‘Journey to the Cross’ series, Josh Cram talks about The Peace Giver. You will learn:

  • How to find purpose

  • Where to find guidance

  • How to share God-given peace with others

(You will also hear Josh’s illustration of the Disciples XI football team!)

The Peace Giver
Josh Cram


Journey to the Cross: Easter Sunday Celebration


Journey to the Cross: Easter Sunday Celebration


Why do we celebrate Easter?

If you have ever wondered what Easter is all about, this talk is for you! Join us as Jo Sinton-Hewitt, Children’s Minister at Highgrove Church, explains the relevance of Easter to us all.

Easter Sunday Celebration (2019)
Jo Sinton-Hewitt


Journey to the Cross: The Messiah


Journey to the Cross: The Messiah

The Forgiving Son

God’s Master Plan

In the third talk of our Easter series, Rob Scott Cook examines the importance and significance of Jesus’ death on a cross.

The Messiah
Rob Scott Cook


Journey to the Cross: The Forgiving Son


Journey to the Cross: The Forgiving Son

The Forgiving Son

The Power of Forgiveness

In the second talk of our Easter series, Andrew Street examines the freedom that true forgiveness brings.

The Forgiving Son
Andrew Street


Journey to the Cross: The Loving Father


Journey to the Cross: The Loving Father


Lost and Found

In the first of our Easter ‘Journey to the Cross’ series, Tim Dobson talks about God as a loving Father.

Discussing the difference between being lost and being found, we look at three stories Jesus told:

  • The Lost Sheep

  • The Lost Coin

  • The Lost Son

The Loving Father
Tim Dobson
