Viewing entries tagged
Dave Mitchell

INFLUENCERS: Ruth | Dave Mitchell

INFLUENCERS: Ruth | Dave Mitchell

This month, we are looking at stories of women in the Bible who shaped the course of human history by their faith, strength and courage.

This series invites us to read their stories and be challenged and inspired into greater devotion towards the God they loved and served. 

In this firs talk, Dave Mitchell looks at the story of Ruth.



Between January and March this year, we’re spending our Sunday services spending time looking at the book of John.

As John himself says: 

'Jesus performed many other signs in the presence of his disciples, which are not recorded in this book. But these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name.’

Using the experience of Nicodemus, Dave Mitchell looks at how Jesus brings new life.

The Bible reference for this talk is John chapter 3.

1 JOHN | God is love

1 JOHN | God is love

Who is God and what is He like?

The apostle John gives three statements in his first letter to help us understand more of God’s character.

Dave Mitchell continues our series on 1 John by asking what ‘God is love’ means to us today.

The Bible reference for this second talk is 1 John 2:28 - 4:21.



Dave Mitchell looks at examples of ‘both/and’ tension in the Christian life.

SLOW DOWN | Simplicity

SLOW DOWN | Simplicity

Modern, Western life seems to be geared towards speed and efficiency.

Many of us are working longer hours and taking less time off. Shops are open for longer and everything is available at a simple click of a button, delivered the very next day. Everything is as convenient and fast as possible.

At the same time, burnout and mental health problems are becoming more and more common.

Does this frenetic pace of modern life work with how we are created to be or are we pushing ourselves beyond what our bodies, minds and souls are created for?

About this series

In this series, we’ll be looking at four practices from The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry by John Mark Comer. These practices are all firmly grounded in ancient, Biblical principles.

About this talk

This is the third talk in our Slow Down series.

When our culture encourages us to always get ‘more’, how can the practice of simplicity help our hearts, as well as the planet?

The Bible reference for this talk is Luke 12:13-34.

Buy the book

The book, The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry, can be purchased online from:



As people of faith, we’re called not just to see the here and now, but to remember God’s goodness in the past and have faith in God’s goodness in the future.

How does the road behind, help us to keep our eyes on the road ahead?

#raisingfaith #restoration

TEACH US TO PRAY | Deliver us From Evil

TEACH US TO PRAY | Deliver us From Evil

Jesus had a ‘deliverance’ ministry and recognised the enslaving power of evil.

In this talk, Dave Mitchell looks at what evil is and how Jesus can set us free from its enslaving power.

(Bible reference for this talk - Mark 5 v1-20)



Dave Mitchell continues our series by looking at what it means to be able to call God our Father as we pray.

HEROES OF THE FAITH | Focus on Jesus

HEROES OF THE FAITH | Focus on Jesus

Running the race

In the final talk of our Heroes of Faith series, Dave Mitchell explores what it means to fix our eyes on Jesus in our daily lives.

HOLY SPIRIT | The Gift of Prophecy

HOLY SPIRIT | The Gift of Prophecy

Acts 2:17-21; 1 Corinthians 14:1

Dave Mitchell continues our Holy Spirit series by looking at the gift of prophecy.

(Please note that towards the end of this talk, Dave asked members of the congregation to share any words or pictures they had. Their responses were not caught on a dedicated microphone so are quite hard to hear. We’ve boosted the volume as much as possible, but please do accept our apologies for the limitations.)

THE WAY OF JESUS | Prayer & Fasting

THE WAY OF JESUS | Prayer & Fasting

In The Way of Jesus series, we’re looking at the Sermon on the Mount in Matthew's gospel.

In this talk, Dave Mitchell looks at the importance of prayer and fasting, and the link between them.

Once you’ve watched or listened to Dave’s talk, you may like to reflect on the questions that can be found on this page below the video and audio.

WHO ARE WE? - We Are Awake

WHO ARE WE? - We Are Awake

Dave Mitchell continues our ‘Who Are We?’ series by looking at difference between the wisdom of God and the wisdom of the world. 



The Bible refers to the church as The Bride of Christ. In this talk, Dave Mitchell asks:

  • How can we prepare ourselves for the wedding?

  • Are we living in ways which are holy and pure?

  • How can we support and encourage one other in this aim?

Life Interrupted: God’s Purpose

Life Interrupted: God’s Purpose

Joseph - life interrupted (1).png

What is our purpose and how do we live lives of purpose for God even when things don’t go the way we think they should?

Joseph experienced the powerful truth of Romans 8v28. In 45:5 Joseph recognises "because it was to save lives that God sent me ahead of you” and then in verses 8 ‘So then, it was not you who sent me here, but God’.

Exodus: Calling

Exodus: Calling


Who am I?

Using Exodus ch.3 as a foundation, Dave Mitchell asks how God calls us to follow Him.