Viewing entries tagged
Deborah Marsh

INFLUENCERS: Esther | Deborah Marsh

INFLUENCERS: Esther | Deborah Marsh

This month, we are looking at stories of women in the Bible who shaped the course of human history by their faith, strength and courage.

This series invites us to read their stories and be challenged and inspired into greater devotion towards the God they loved and served.

In the second talk of the series, Deborah Marsh looks at the story of Esther.

PRAYER: Authority | Deborah Marsh

PRAYER: Authority | Deborah Marsh

Prayer is talking to God - it can be so simple that even a small child can do it. But we want our prayer life to mature and deepen.

In this series on prayer, we’re looking to develop our understanding and experience of prayer.

In this first talk, Deborah Marsh looks at how we can understand our authority in prayer and how can we use that authority in our daily prayer lives.

WHEN STORMS COME: Promise of eternity | Deborah Marsh

WHEN STORMS COME: Promise of eternity | Deborah Marsh

We’ll all face challenges and problems throughout our lives. So where do we turn and who do we depend on when life gets tough?

In this series, we’ll be looking at some of the most significant promises that God has made which can help us to stand firm when the storms come.

In this first talk, Deborah Marsh looks at the promise of eternity.

HOLY SPIRIT - The power of the Holy Spirit | Deborah Marsh

HOLY SPIRIT - The power of the Holy Spirit | Deborah Marsh

God has designed each one of us with different gifts and abilities. But when we are filled with His Holy Spirit, God gives spiritual gifts that mean we can live life in a naturally supernatural way.

But we need to know what they are and how to develop them!

In the second talk of our Holy Spirit series, Deborah Marsh looks at what it means for the Holy Spirit to work with power.

(The Bible reference for this talk is 1 Corinthians 12 v1-11.)

THE JESUS YOU NEED TO KNOW | The woman at the well

THE JESUS YOU NEED TO KNOW | The woman at the well

Between January and March this year, we’re spending our Sunday services spending time looking at the book of John.

As John himself says: 

'Jesus performed many other signs in the presence of his disciples, which are not recorded in this book. But these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name.’

Deborah looks at the story of the woman at the well, and what Jesus meant when he talked of living waters. This story can be found in John chapter 4.

THE SHAME GAME | No more hiding

THE SHAME GAME | No more hiding

The over-arching story of the Bible is of God’s radical and loving solution to the ancient problem of human failure, shame and isolation.

In the second talk of our mini-series, Deborah Marsh looks at what the Bible says about us trying to hide and cover up our mistakes and failures.

PRAYERS OF THE SAINTS | Prayer of intercession

PRAYERS OF THE SAINTS | Prayer of intercession

Daniel recognised the authority he had to speak to God, not just about his own situation but on behalf of his whole nation.

We too have been given the authority and responsibility to intercede for situations of significance. In the second talk of our series, Deborah Marsh asks what we can learn from Daniel’s prayer.

Bible references for this talk are Daniel 9:1-19 and 1 Timothy 2:1-2.

KING OF ME | King of the Lions

KING OF ME | King of the Lions

Our 4-week summer series is based on the song King Of Me by Rend Collective

In this second talk in the series, congregational leader Deborah Marsh looks at the story of Daniel and the Lions Den, and asks what we can learn from Daniel’s faith in God.

The Bible reference for this talk is Daniel 6.

SLOW DOWN | Slowing

SLOW DOWN | Slowing

Modern, Western life seems to be geared towards speed and efficiency.

Many of us are working longer hours and taking less time off. Shops are open for longer and everything is available at a simple click of a button, delivered the very next day. Everything is as convenient and fast as possible.

At the same time, burnout and mental health problems are becoming more and more common.

Does this frenetic pace of modern life work with how we are created to be or are we pushing ourselves beyond what our bodies, minds and souls are created for?

About this series

In this series, we’ll be looking at four practices from The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry by John Mark Comer. These practices are all firmly grounded in ancient, Biblical principles.

About this talk

This is the fourth (and final) talk in our Slow Down series.

Jesus lived an unhurried life, despite having plenty to do! What can we learn from his pace of life and how can it help us get closer to God?

The Bible reference for this talk is Psalm 23:1-3.

Buy the book

The book, The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry, can be purchased online from:



The coronation of King Charles III took place on Saturday 6th May 2023.

Speaking at Highgrove Church in Bristol the day after this national event, Deborah Marsh looks at three ways Jesus is a very different type of king.

WHY? | Why did Jesus have to die?

WHY? | Why did Jesus have to die?

Deborah Marsh asks a question central to Christian faith - why did Jesus have to die?

(Bible reference for this talk - Matthew 27:32-56)

ELIJAH - Faith & Fire | Gilead

ELIJAH - Faith & Fire | Gilead

1 Kings 17:1-6

We see in 1 Kings 18 a major showdown with Elijah and the prophets of Baal and a miraculous encounter with the power of God.

But how did Elijah get to Carmel?

What had God been doing in preparation for this point?

And what can we learn about how God wants to be preparing us?

Deborah Marsh introduces our new series!

EASTER 2022 - The Empty Tomb

EASTER 2022 - The Empty Tomb

Deborah Marsh looks at the events of the very first Easter and what it means to us today.

THE WAY OF JESUS - Jesus on Judging

THE WAY OF JESUS - Jesus on Judging

In The Way of Jesus series, we’ve been exploring the Sermon on the Mount, looking at what Jesus said about certain aspects of life.

Despite the many years that have passed since this teaching was first given, Jesus’ words are still just as relevant and applicable to modern life as they were when he first spoke them.

In this talk, Deborah Marsh looks at what Jesus said about judging people.


Once you watched or listen to Deborah’s talk, you may find it helpful to spend some time reflecting on the three questions at the bottom of this page.

Questions from the talk

THE WAY OF JESUS | Who Is Blessed?

THE WAY OF JESUS | Who Is Blessed?

In The Way of Jesus series, we’re taking a deep dive into the Sermon on the Mount in Matthew's gospel.

In this talk, Deborah Marsh looks at The Beatitudes, which can be found in Matthew 5 v1-12.

Once you’ve watched or listened to Deborah’s talk, you may like to reflect on the questions that can be found on this page below the video and audio.



The Greatest Gift?

We all love giving and receiving gifts at Christmas. The Magi brought baby Jesus treasures, bowed down and worshipped him.

What will you bring to Jesus this Christmas?

FIRST SUNDAY: November 2021

FIRST SUNDAY: November 2021

PRESSING ISSUES - Climate Change

In our ‘First Sunday’ service this month, Deborah Marsh (with a bit of help from Annie and Jimmy!) looks at climate change and what it means to us as Christians.