It's all about Love

2 Corinthians 5

A look at Love Running, what it is and our motivation for doing it.

Come apart and rest awhile

In the midst of busyness and stress, Jesus called his disciples to rest with him and recover. How can we recharge in God's presence like they did?


The season of advent is all about anticipating the coming Saviour. What did the promise of a Saviour mean to God's people and what does it mean for us?

A Spirit-less Christianity

It's impossible to live the Christian life without the Spirit's help, presence and power. Why is this and how does it work in practice.

Friends of the master

John 15

Jesus called his disciples 'friends', not just servants. How do we maintain friendship with Jesus while pursuing his causes?

Servants of the Gospel

John 20

The good news requires servants to put it into action. What does that service look like and how do we give it?