In Jesus, God has become our daily Bread, our provision in order to satisfy the deep hunger of life.
In Jesus, God has become our true Light, bringing us out of darkness as He illuminates our path in all the days of our life. Jesus is the Light for all the world.
In Jesus, He has become our resurrection power. Our great “I Am” rose from the grave to destroy the power of death. Jesus has risen victoriously from the grave, and for those who are in Christ, the grave will not be able to hold us! Fear has been broken - we are free to live our lives because of Jesus. And the wonderful news of the Gospel goes well beyond salvation. Because our “I Am” moves in resurrection power, we too have been given His authority to move in resurrection power.
In Jesus, He has become our “Way-Shower” who sovereignly and patiently tells us the truth, points the way to God, and offers us life and not death.
In Jesus, He has become our Vine, faithfully supplying His branches all that is needed to live a life worthy of His name.