John 4 - what does it mean to be filled? We talk about being filled with the Holy Spirit, that precious living water, but what does it mean? How was the Holy Spirit significant in this encounter with the Samaritan woman? How can we be daily filled by Him, and what could that look like?
Jesus said 'you shall know the truth and the truth will set you free'. What truths did Jesus teach, how did it affect other person in that encounter? How should they affect us?
Highgrove and Trinity College's Jamie Davies helps us to take a step back and look at how we can read John's gospel well.
How do we build a church of both welcome and inclusion for people of all backgrounds? Catch up with our talk from Sunday.
God loves a cheerful giver. How can we use money in ways that results in thanksgiving to God?
To find out more about giving go to
We gathered from across the city for a celebration of God's goodness to us as a group of churches over the past year. Watch the evening here.
What role does global mission have in building tomorrow's church today? Hear Rob's (10 minute!) vision for global partnerships.
In this series we look at some of the values of Church and some of the practices that are more flexible as we consider the challenges of the future.
The early Church had an integrated way of life where worship both gathered and dispersed, care for the poor, signs and wonders all contributed to a vibrant witness. How can our Christianity be more than a ‘Sunday’ affair but be a balanced way of life? What are the hallmarks of 24/7 Christianity? What are we modelling in our lifestyle to a watching world?
The book of the Acts of the Apostles could be called the Acts of the Holy Spirit. The spread of the Church documented in its pages is undergirded by ‘signs and wonders’; miracles of healing in particular. How normal should sign and wonders be in our Church life?
Works are the visible good deeds that a Christian community does in response to their faith in Christ; not dead works of religion, but live works of faith.
Words have power. Jesus speaks of his own words as ‘works of the father’ (John 14:10) as much as other ‘miracles’. Paul (Rom 10:14-15) asks how people can believe without a preacher.
But Words can get us into trouble. And Witness requires boldness, as well as sensitivity. How do we find the right words to be witnesses? How do we prepare, take opportunities, know God’s empowering?
The Psalms is the worship book of the bible and many of them are songs of lament, coming to God with grief and hard questions. The challenge of suffering is that very often our grief and our questions cause us to move away from God rather than closer to him.
How and when can we incorporate lament into our worship diet? What songs of longing and lament are there? How do we find a God who grieves with us and over us when we bring our griefs to him.
Who hopes for what they already have? Longing seems to be part of the human psyche, ‘God has set eternity in the hearts of men’ says the writer of Ecclesiastes. What part has longing played in your spiritual journey?
Loss is inevitable. What does the Bible have to say about how we face life's losses? Is there such a thing as good grief?
A glimpse of God at work in the city and region.
God's rescue plan came to fruition as Jesus is raised from the grave, defeating the power of sin and death!
Wasn’t there another way God could have acted other than Jesus dying? Why did there have to be a sacrifice? What did Jesus’ death actually achieve?
For some people, the truth of who Jesus is offends them. To others, the truth doesn’t make any sense. This has been the case ever since Jesus walked the earth and is demonstrated in this passage. What is the truth about Jesus? Who did he claim he was?