Keeping It Real: Disappointment

Keeping It Real: Disappointment

Keeping It Real.jpeg

We all experience disappointment in our lives.

In this talk, Rob Scott Cook takes a look at what the Bible says about coping with disappointment.

Keeping It Real: Comparison

Keeping It Real: Comparison


Keeping up with the Joneses

From supermarket shopping to car insurance, mobile phones to careers, it can be difficult not to compare ourselves to others.

In this talk, Ed Marsh looks at what the Bible says about comparing ourselves to others.

Keeping It Real: Temptation

Keeping It Real: Temptation


Dealing with Temptation

A talk looking at the Christian approach to temptation. During the talk you will:

  • Learn why a tin of biscuits was passed around the congregation during the talk,

  • Hear the two different ways to live,

  • Discover Josh’s ‘Question of the Week’(!),

  • - hear from Simon, a member of Highgrove Church, about how being in a prayer triplet has helped encourage him in his faith.

Keeping It Real: Doubt

Keeping It Real: Doubt

Keeping it real

What about doubt?

In the first talk of our ‘Keeping it Real’ series, Sam Marsh discusses the seesaw-like nature of faith and doubt.

You will learn:

  • why faith can often be like a dimmer switch for a light,

  • what Sam’s upcoming summer holiday plans can teach us about trust,

  • How Psalm 9 and 10 caused problems for Sam in Scotland!

Having doubts is a normal part of life; in this talk, we examine what the Bible says about how to cope with doubts.

N.B. Due to technical gremlins, the first few minutes of this talk were not videoed.

Equipped: Healing

Equipped: Healing


What does the Bible say about healing?

In this talk, Dave Mitchell gives a Biblical view of healing.

Equipped: Hearing from God

Equipped: Hearing from God

Hearing from God

How can you hear God?

In this talk, Tim Dobson discusses how to listen for God and how to hear from Him.

You will also hear from Laura, who shares some examples from her own life of how she has heard from God.

Equipped: To The Ends of the Earth

Equipped: To The Ends of the Earth

Global Partners Sunday

“Be My Witnesses”

To mark and celebrate Global Partners Sunday at Highgrove this year, we had a ‘four-for-the-price-of-one’ talk!

Ed starts by introducing the importance, relevance and Biblical imperative of being witnesses in the world to the love of God.

The incomparable Jonny Wells then asks Denis and Charmian, our Global Partners based in Peru, about the work they are doing and how they have seen God work.

In this talk, you will:

  • Join in with Jonny’s Peruvian Quiz!

  • Learn about Denis’ epic trek through the jungle,

  • Hear Charmian explain why it is always ‘worth it for the one’.

Living as Foreigners: Persevering People

Living as Foreigners: Persevering People



In the final talk of our 'Living as Foreigners' series, Andrew Street discusses the power of perseverance for Christians today.

Living as Foreigners: Humble People

Living as Foreigners: Humble People



Using 1 Peter 3: 8-18, Rob Scott Cook discusses the importance and relevance of humility in our lives today.

  • In a world of celebrity, where does humility fit?

  • What does it mean to be humble?

  • How can humility help point people to Jesus?

Living as Foreigners: Chosen People

Living as Foreigners: Chosen People


Choosing a job for life

In this talk, Sam Marsh uses 1 Peter 2 v.1-12 to examine what it means to be God’s ‘chosen people’.

  • Sam asks a question at the very beginning of the talk. You will hear how two members of the congregation answered it. Would you have given the same answer as either of them?

  • You will also learn why Sam decided against becoming an archeologist (and why Harrison Ford was very relieved about it!).

Living as Foreigners: Holy People

Living as Foreigners: Holy People


What is holiness?

In this talk, Deborah Marsh explores holiness and what it means to live as God’s holy people.

  • In a culture that isn’t rooted in Christ, how do we live as Christians?

  • What does holiness look like in practice?

From practical tips about how to choose what we watch on TV to Deborah’s favourite thing to do while on holiday(!!), this talk gives an honest, practical, Biblically-based overview of holiness.

Living as Foreigners: Hopeful People

Living as Foreigners: Hopeful People


Finding hope in seemingly hopeless situations

Join us for our ‘Living as Foreigners’ series as we study the book of 1 Peter. In the first talk of the series, Jamie Davies explores what it means to live as people with hope.

At the beginning of the talk, Jamie mentions the Open Doors charity. You can learn more about the work they do on their website -

Journey to the Cross: The Peace Giver

Journey to the Cross: The Peace Giver


What does flat pack furniture have to do with Jesus?

In the final Sunday of our ‘Journey to the Cross’ series, Josh Cram talks about The Peace Giver. You will learn:

  • How to find purpose

  • Where to find guidance

  • How to share God-given peace with others

(You will also hear Josh’s illustration of the Disciples XI football team!)

Journey to the Cross: Easter Sunday Celebration

Journey to the Cross: Easter Sunday Celebration


Why do we celebrate Easter?

If you have ever wondered what Easter is all about, this talk is for you! Join us as Jo Sinton-Hewitt, Children’s Minister at Highgrove Church, explains the relevance of Easter to us all.