How to stand strong under pressure
Jo looks at the story of Daniel in the den of lions and what it teaches us about faith today.
Jo looks at the story of Daniel in the den of lions and what it teaches us about faith today.
Deborah continues our Stand series, using the book of Daniel to look at how we can confront the right way.
Ed Marsh kicks off our new series, Stand, where we’ll be looking at the book of Daniel.
This first talk asks:
What are your values?
What are we prepared to take a stand for?
Jamie Davies gives an overview of the book of Daniel,
What can we learn from Nehemiah about how we can be God-reliant rather than self-reliant?
What can we learn from David about being refreshed by God?
What can we learn from Elisha about increasing our vision of what God is able to do?
In the first talk of our BREAKTHROUGH series, Sam Marsh asks what we can learn from Jesus about trusting God, His plans and His purposes.
“But no one except Lucy knew that as it circled the mast it had whispered to her, “Courage, dear heart,” and the voice, she felt sure, was Aslan’s, and with the voice a delicious smell breathed in her face.”
During these strange times of a global pandemic, lockdowns, tiers and social distancing, it can be very easy to lose heart. But in the Bible, the book of Proverbs tells us that we should guard our hearts.
What does this mean, and how can we actually do this? Holly looks for some answers!
The words we use have the power to build up or destroy. How can we use words wisely?
You know anger is hurting your life, but you don't know how to fix it. How can we learn to handle anger in healthy ways?
The Bible tells us that "The beginning of wisdom is this: get wisdom. Though it cost all you have, get understanding.” (Proverbs 4:7)
In the first talk of our new series, Jamie Davies introduces us to the book of Proverbs and asks what true wisdom is.
We’re always mindful that we should SERVE those around us, especially the poorest.
Robyn Coleman, our Youth and Student Worker, looks at how we can show Jesus’ servanthood in our lives.
Jesus called his disciples to ‘Follow me.’ At Highgrove Church, we want people to FOLLOW Jesus more closely. What role does the church family have in helping us draw closer to God?
We aim to help people to LOVE one another more. The second greatest commandment is to love our neighbour.
What opportunities do we have to practice this as a church community? How do we do it in our daily lives?