HEROES OF THE FAITH | Sacrifice and worship

HEROES OF THE FAITH | Sacrifice and worship

Jesus said though that if we want to hold onto our lives we’ll lose them, but if we lose our lives for his sake then we’ll find them!

How can we learn from the lives of those mentioned in Hebrews 11 about how to please God, and why is sacrifice such a big part of pleasing Him? How can we live lives where we give more than we get?

Lara Morris looks at the story of Enoch to help us make sense of how we can walk with God in our lives.

CELEBRATING SCRIPTURE | How does the Bible have authority over our lives?

CELEBRATING SCRIPTURE | How does the Bible have authority over our lives?

When Jesus used and spoke from the Bible he spoke with authority, not like others who used the Scriptures for their own purposes.

In the second talk of our series, Jamie Davies looks more at the idea of authority in our faith:

  • How can we let the authority of the Bible challenge, correct and train us?

  • In what way is the Bible authoritative?

  • What does the phrase "God-breathed" really mean?

CELEBRATING SCRIPTURE | How to understand the Bible

CELEBRATING SCRIPTURE | How to understand the Bible

Psalm 19v7-11

The psalmist says that the Bible is good for:

  • Refreshing the soul

  • Making wise the simple

  • Giving joy to the heart

  • Giving light to the eyes.

However, it was written so long ago, many people find it a challenge to read.

In this talk, Tim Dobson looks at how we can read and understand the Bible today, and the importance of doing so.

FIGHTING THE GOOD FIGHT | Going the distance

FIGHTING THE GOOD FIGHT | Going the distance

In the final talk of our series on Paul’s letters to Timothy, Peter Hatton asks how we can endure in our faith and say that we’ve fought the good fight?



Continuing our series on Paul’s letters to Timothy, Holly Wilson outlines a training plan for Godliness.

During Holly’s talk, Lectio 365 is mentioned as a helpful resource. You can find more details about it here.



Lara introduces our new series by looking at what Paul’s letters to Timothy teach us about discipleship and mentoring

At the beginning of her talk, Lara mentions listening to the Bible. On this website, you can select the book of the Bible you want to listen to (for the purposes of this talk, 1 or 2 Timothy).

HOLY SPIRIT | The Gift of Healing

HOLY SPIRIT | The Gift of Healing

Acts 3:1-10 describes the story of Peter healing a person who had been lame from birth.

How can we reconcile a view of a God who heals with the reality of illness, disease and suffering that we see in the world today?

Tom Carter navigates us through this tricky area as he ends our Holy Spirit series by looking at the gift of healing with three questions:

  • Why does God heal?

  • Does God heal today?

  • How does God heal?

HOLY SPIRIT | The Gift of Prophecy

HOLY SPIRIT | The Gift of Prophecy

Acts 2:17-21; 1 Corinthians 14:1

Dave Mitchell continues our Holy Spirit series by looking at the gift of prophecy.

(Please note that towards the end of this talk, Dave asked members of the congregation to share any words or pictures they had. Their responses were not caught on a dedicated microphone so are quite hard to hear. We’ve boosted the volume as much as possible, but please do accept our apologies for the limitations.)

HOLY SPIRIT | To the Ends of the Earth

HOLY SPIRIT | To the Ends of the Earth

Showing what God has done for us

On Global Partnership Sunday, Ed Marsh continues our series on the Holy Spirit by looking at the very beginning of the book of Acts (ch 1:4-8)



Nigel Savage introduces our new series on the Holy Spirit by looking at the events of the first very Pentecost Sunday (recorded in the book of Acts).

  • How (and why) did the Holy Spirit come?

  • What difference did it make to the lives of those present?

  • How can we be filled with the Holy Spirit today?

In his talk, Nigel mentions the Alpha Holy Spirit weekend. If you’d like to find out more about Alpha, please visit this page on our website.



1 Kings 19: 1-18

With just a spoken threat from Jezebel, Elijah’s confidence and faith fell crashing down. He ran and hid in a cave as his emotional state spiralled, until God pulled him out.

Robyn Coleman finishes out series on Elijah by looking at the challenges he faced, and how God spoke to him in the silence.



1 Kings 18: 16-46

Philip Jinadu continues our series on Elijah by looking at the events on Mount Carmel and asking what it shows us about living out our faith today.

ELIJAH - FAITH & FIRE | Zarephath

ELIJAH - FAITH & FIRE | Zarephath

Kings 17:7-24

Elijah had no way of looking after himself. He was completely dependent on the provision of God and the kindness of a stranger, who would normally be the last person Elijah would look to.

In this talk, Rob Scott-Cook asks what can we learn from who God used and how He acted, as well as Elijah’s obedience to God’s commands?

ELIJAH - Faith & Fire | Gilead

ELIJAH - Faith & Fire | Gilead

1 Kings 17:1-6

We see in 1 Kings 18 a major showdown with Elijah and the prophets of Baal and a miraculous encounter with the power of God.

But how did Elijah get to Carmel?

What had God been doing in preparation for this point?

And what can we learn about how God wants to be preparing us?

Deborah Marsh introduces our new series!