Between January and March this year, we’re spending our Sunday services spending time looking at the book of John.

As John himself says: 

'Jesus performed many other signs in the presence of his disciples, which are not recorded in this book. But these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name.’

Using the experience of Nicodemus, Dave Mitchell looks at how Jesus brings new life.

The Bible reference for this talk is John chapter 3.

THE JESUS YOU NEED TO KNOW | Water into wine

THE JESUS YOU NEED TO KNOW | Water into wine

Between January and March this year, we’re spending our Sunday services spending time looking at the book of John.

As John himself says: 

'Jesus performed many other signs in the presence of his disciples, which are not recorded in this book. But these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name.’

Ed Marsh introduces this new series and looks at the event recorded in chapter 2 of the book of John.

The Bible reference for this talk is John chapter 2.

Check out the full range of resources to help you engage with this series on this page.

HOPE HAS A NAME | Hope for the hurting

HOPE HAS A NAME | Hope for the hurting

Continuing our Christmas 2023 series, Tom Carter asks how the hope we have in Jesus can sustain and comfort us when life is tough and painful.

The Bible reference for this talk is Luke 1:39-56.

HOPE HAS A NAME | Hope for the hopeless

HOPE HAS A NAME | Hope for the hopeless

How can the hope we have in Jesus change our perspective even when the realities of life remain the same?

Lara introduces our Christmas 2023 series by looking at the angelic announcements of the birth of Jesus.

The Bible references for this talk are Luke 1:11-17 and Luke 1:26-38.

1 JOHN | God is life

1 JOHN | God is life

Who is God and what is He like?

The apostle John gives three statements in his first letter to help us understand more of God’s character.

Matt Crossman concludes our series on 1 John.

The Bible reference for this first talk is 1 John 5:1-21.

1 JOHN | God is love

1 JOHN | God is love

Who is God and what is He like?

The apostle John gives three statements in his first letter to help us understand more of God’s character.

Dave Mitchell continues our series on 1 John by asking what ‘God is love’ means to us today.

The Bible reference for this second talk is 1 John 2:28 - 4:21.

1 JOHN | God is light

1 JOHN | God is light

Who is God and what is He like?

The apostle John gives three statements in his first letter to help us understand more of God’s character.

Ed Marsh starts our three-week series on 1 John.

The Bible reference for this first talk is 1 John 1:1 - 2:27.



Rachel Clark explores what the kindness of God means, and how we can have assurance that God continues to be kind in any situations we may be facing.

The Bible references for this talk are Titus 3:4-5 and Galatians 5:22.



Rachel Noyce gives our Harvest Festival service talk, looking at how our lives should reflect God’s generosity to us.

THE SHAME GAME | Where are you?

THE SHAME GAME | Where are you?

The over-arching story of the Bible is of God’s radical and loving solution to the ancient problems of human failure, shame and isolation.

In the final talk of our mini-series, Nigel Savage looks at what the Bible says about being honest and vulnerable in our daily lives.

The Bible references for this talk are Genesis 3, 2 Corinthians 12; 9-10, Psalm 34: 4-5 and Hebrews 4: 12-16.

THE SHAME GAME | No more hiding

THE SHAME GAME | No more hiding

The over-arching story of the Bible is of God’s radical and loving solution to the ancient problem of human failure, shame and isolation.

In the second talk of our mini-series, Deborah Marsh looks at what the Bible says about us trying to hide and cover up our mistakes and failures.

THE SHAME GAME | Hearing voices

THE SHAME GAME | Hearing voices

The over-arching story of the Bible is of God’s radical and loving solution to the ancient problem of human failure, shame and isolation.

Clare Thompson introduces our new three-week series.

The Bible reference for this talk is Genesis 3.

PRAYERS OF THE SAINTS | Persistence in prayer

PRAYERS OF THE SAINTS | Persistence in prayer

In the midst of her infertility, Hannah called out to God. She prayed and waited for many years before her prayers were answered.

Ed Marsh concludes our series by asking what we can learn from Hannah’s persistence in prayer.

The Bible reading for this talk is 1 Samuel 1:1-20.

PRAYERS OF THE SAINTS | Prayer of confession

PRAYERS OF THE SAINTS | Prayer of confession

When David’s adultery with Bathsheba led to a rebuke from the prophet Nathan, David found his life crashing down because of his sin.

In the third talk of our series, Peter Hatton looks at what we can learn from David’s prayer of repentance and the importance of quickly turning to God in prayer whenever we sin.

The Bible reference for this talk is Psalm 51.



Dave Mitchell looks at examples of ‘both/and’ tension in the Christian life.

PRAYERS OF THE SAINTS | Prayer of intercession

PRAYERS OF THE SAINTS | Prayer of intercession

Daniel recognised the authority he had to speak to God, not just about his own situation but on behalf of his whole nation.

We too have been given the authority and responsibility to intercede for situations of significance. In the second talk of our series, Deborah Marsh asks what we can learn from Daniel’s prayer.

Bible references for this talk are Daniel 9:1-19 and 1 Timothy 2:1-2.

PRAYERS OF THE SAINTS | Prayer at the centre

PRAYERS OF THE SAINTS | Prayer at the centre

Prayer is vital to our relationship with the Lord and, as a church, we want to press into prayer. What can we learn from the prayers of God’s people in the bible to help equip us and spur us on?

In this first talk of our new series, Tim Dobson asks what it means to have prayer at the very centre of our lives.

KING OF ME | King of Me

KING OF ME | King of Me

Our 4-week summer series is based on the song King Of Me by Rend Collective

In the final talk of the series, Naomi Clarke looks at how Jesus was anointed, and what anointing means for us today.

The Bible reference for this talk is Matthew 26 v.6-13.

KING OF ME | King of the Whales

KING OF ME | King of the Whales

Our 4-week summer series is based on the song King Of Me by Rend Collective

In the third talk of the series, Annie Crossman helps us take a fresh look at the story of Jonah and the whale.

The Bible reference for this talk is Jonah 1-3.