New Highgrove September Series: THIS TIME TOMORROW

Where will you be this time tomorrow and what will you be doing?

We spend a significant proportion of our lives ‘working’, whether in paid or voluntary employment, as a carer or full-time parent or as a student. If we’re honest, most of us have a hard time truly believing that what we’re doing day-in and day-out is important to God or has any lasting significance. But the Bible is clear - your work forms part of God’s purposes in time and eternity.

At Highgrove each Sunday during September, we’ll be interviewing a member of the church family and asking them: ‘What are you doing this time tomorrow?’. We’ll then unpack the ways in which your WORK matters.

Here’s the plan:

1 Sept: Does it matter? - watch online

8 Sept: Working for the smile of God - watch online

15 Sept: At work, as in heaven - watch online

22 Sept: Your vocation is calling

29 Sept: Making disciples at work

Join us for our 9.30am or 11am services or online as we take the opportunity to be inspired and encouraged that what you’re doing THIS TIME TOMORROW really matters!

What next?

If you’d like to take some next steps or explore deeper as we go through this series, you may find these resources helpful: