A partridge in a PAIR tree

Complete these famous partnerships, for example Batman and ____ would be Batman and Robin

  1. ____ and Bodhi (fiction)

  2. Watson and ____ (non-fiction)

  3. ____ and Elsa (fiction)

  4. ____ and Garfunkel (non-fiction)

  5. Pinky and ____ (fiction)

  6. Statler and ____ (fiction)

  7. ____ and Garth (fiction)

  8. Torvill and ____ (non-fiction)


Two turtle doves

Doves are a symbol of peace. Name what the following symbolise

  1. Déjà vu in ‘The Matrix’

  2. The spinning top in ‘Inception’

  3. The rainbow in the story of Noah

  4. Winter in ‘The Lion, The Witch and The Wardobe’

  5. The poison in ‘Romeo and Juliet’

  6. The Mississippi in ‘The Adventures of Tom Sawyer’

  7. Rosebud in ‘Citizen Kane’

  8. The Vulcan Salute


Three French hens

These questions are all about France

  1. What is the French national anthem called?

  2. After which famous army officer is the main airport in Paris named?

  3. When did the French revolution begin?

  4. What do the French call The English Channel?

  5. How many time zones does ‘France’ cover?

  6. Who wrote the novel ‘Les Miserables’?

  7. What is the national motto?

  8. In what year did the tour de France begin?


Four calling birds

The following video contains 5 mash-ups where the lyrics of one Christmas pop song are being sung to the tune of a traditional carol. Guess both (with extra points available for the pop song’s artist)