How to respond in times of crisis?


The world is a turbulent place. International tensions, inequalities globally and at home, lack of trust in government and institutions all generate fear and anxiety. The prophet Jeremiah lived through a time of immense crisis in the nation of Judah. His prophetic messages both gave strong challenges but also guidance and comfort to the people of his day. What can we learn from him about being a prophetic people to our nation today? Over the month four prophetic pictures give us insight into God’s word being delivered through someone very human.

Stories of the Kingdom

There’s a Kingdom beyond the land we can see, that is alive and active in the world today. A powerful Kingdom full of great riches where all are invited in.

Join us for our series, Stories of the Kingdom, and embark on an adventure to search for this Kingdom.

Whose is it anyway?

The Bible has a lot to say about good stewardship. Why is getting to grips with this topic fundamental to discipleship and a life of faith? What does God have to say about ownership, responsibility, accountability and reward?



How can we have confidence in a fragile world? Who should we place our confidence in?

Fruitfulness on the frontline

Everyone has a frontline, a place where the nature of the Kingdom of God and our citizenship of that Kingdom is challenged and critiqued by other powers or values. Usually that place is not the Church but our neighbourhood, place of work, even our home or our leisure activity. Frontline is by default a place of witness, ministry and challenge. How do we identify what our frontline is? What has the gospel to say about how we work out our earthly citizenship? How do the places where we go away from our Christian fellowship challenge our faith or call out good things from us?



Great Expectations

Transformed Life

How did Jesus?