WHO IS JESUS? : Son of God | Matt Smith

WHO IS JESUS? : Son of God | Matt Smith

This series is based in Mathew’s gospel. A concern of the gospel is ‘Who do you say I am’? and the question of ‘Who is Jesus’ is  of utmost relevance today.  

In this second talk of the series, Matt Smith looks at what it means for Jesus to be fully human and fully God.

WHO IS JESUS? : Prepare the way of the Lord | Tim Dobson and Keziah

WHO IS JESUS? : Prepare the way of the Lord | Tim Dobson and Keziah

This series is based in Mathew’s gospel. A concern of the gospel is ‘Who do you say I am’? and the question of ‘Who is Jesus’ is  of utmost relevance today.  

In this first talk of the series, Tim Dobson is joined by Keziah from the Woodlands Discipleship Year to look at how John the Baptist prepared the way for Jesus.

INFLUENCERS: Mary | Charli Williams

INFLUENCERS: Mary | Charli Williams

This month, we are looking at stories of women in the Bible who shaped the course of human history by their faith, strength and courage.

This series invites us to read their stories and be challenged and inspired into greater devotion towards the God they loved and served.

In the third talk of the series, Charli Williams looks at the story of Mary, the mother of Jesus, and what we can learn from her about humility, trust and obedience.

INFLUENCERS: Mary & Martha | Rachel Noyce

INFLUENCERS: Mary & Martha | Rachel Noyce

This month, we are looking at stories of women in the Bible who shaped the course of human history by their faith, strength and courage.

This series invites us to read their stories and be challenged and inspired into greater devotion towards the God they loved and served.

In the third talk of the series, Rachel Noyce looks at the story of Mary and Martha.

INFLUENCERS: Esther | Deborah Marsh

INFLUENCERS: Esther | Deborah Marsh

This month, we are looking at stories of women in the Bible who shaped the course of human history by their faith, strength and courage.

This series invites us to read their stories and be challenged and inspired into greater devotion towards the God they loved and served.

In the second talk of the series, Deborah Marsh looks at the story of Esther.

INFLUENCERS: Ruth | Dave Mitchell

INFLUENCERS: Ruth | Dave Mitchell

This month, we are looking at stories of women in the Bible who shaped the course of human history by their faith, strength and courage.

This series invites us to read their stories and be challenged and inspired into greater devotion towards the God they loved and served. 

In this firs talk, Dave Mitchell looks at the story of Ruth.

PRAYER: Intercession | Ed Marsh

PRAYER: Intercession | Ed Marsh

Our physical influence is usually limited to the people and situations we’re directly involved with, but our spiritual influence can stretch to the other side of the world.

In this talk, Ed Marsh looks at intercession.

PRAYER: Revelation | Rachel Clark

PRAYER: Revelation | Rachel Clark

Prayer is talking to God - it can be so simple that even a small child can do it. But we want our prayer life to mature and deepen.

Prayer is not a one-way conversation. As we pray to God we position ourselves for God to speak to us. What are some of the ways God reveals Himself, His heart and His plans to us? And how can we get better at listening?

PRAYER: Authority | Deborah Marsh

PRAYER: Authority | Deborah Marsh

Prayer is talking to God - it can be so simple that even a small child can do it. But we want our prayer life to mature and deepen.

In this series on prayer, we’re looking to develop our understanding and experience of prayer.

In this first talk, Deborah Marsh looks at how we can understand our authority in prayer and how can we use that authority in our daily prayer lives.



We hear so many different messages at Christmas, things we’re meant to be doing, or feeling, or being. This advent at Highgrove Church, we’re go going back to the true message of tidings of comfort and joy that only Jesus can bring.

In this talk, Ed Marsh asks how joy differs from happiness, and how we can share the joy that only Jesus can bring with others.



We hear so many different messages at Christmas, things we’re meant to be doing, or feeling, or being. This advent at Highgrove Church, we’re go going back to the true message of tidings of comfort and joy that only Jesus can bring.

In this talk, Rachel Noyce takes a closer look at the greatest love story over told.

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TIDINGS OF COMFORT AND JOY : Hope | Charli Williams

TIDINGS OF COMFORT AND JOY : Hope | Charli Williams

We hear so many different messages at Christmas, things we’re meant to be doing, or feeling, or being. This advent at Highgrove Church, we’re go going back to the true message of tidings of comfort and joy that only Jesus can bring.

Jesus brings hope.

But how can we hold on to hope when things don’t go the way we’ve planned? And how can we bring hope in a world where many are disillusioned?

WHEN STORMS COME: Promise of trials | Rob Scott Cook

WHEN STORMS COME: Promise of trials | Rob Scott Cook

Rob Scott Cook continues our series by looking at what the Bible tell us about the problems we’ll face, especially as followers of Jesus, and how we can find comfort in God’s promises.

WHEN STORMS COME: Promise of peace | Chloe Parker

WHEN STORMS COME: Promise of peace | Chloe Parker

Trigger warning: contains mentions of OCD, intrusive thoughts and anxiety

In the second talk of this series, Chloe Parker looks at how we can know peace inside of us, no matter what wars rage around us.

WHEN STORMS COME: Promise of eternity | Deborah Marsh

WHEN STORMS COME: Promise of eternity | Deborah Marsh

We’ll all face challenges and problems throughout our lives. So where do we turn and who do we depend on when life gets tough?

In this series, we’ll be looking at some of the most significant promises that God has made which can help us to stand firm when the storms come.

In this first talk, Deborah Marsh looks at the promise of eternity.