TEACH US TO PRAY | As We Forgive

TEACH US TO PRAY | As We Forgive

How do we handle forgiving others, particularly when it isn’t an easy or simple option, like when the offence is truly terrible, deeply abusive and damaging?

How can we access the forgiveness of Jesus expressed on the cross for ‘unforgiveable’ things? Join Clare Thompson as she explores these questions.

(Bible reference for this talk - Matthew 18 v15-35)

TEACH US TO PRAY | Forgive Us Our Sins

TEACH US TO PRAY | Forgive Us Our Sins

Join Rachel Riddall (and her husband’s backpack!) to find out what it means to ask God to forgive us our sins.

(Bible references for this talk - Luke 11:4; Mark 9:42-48)

TEACH US TO PRAY | Daily Bread

TEACH US TO PRAY | Daily Bread

In a world of war, high inflation, financial uncertainty, ongoing challenges from the global pandemic and many other big, pressing issues, what does it mean today to ask God for ‘our daily bread’?

Lara Morris continues our series on The Lord’s Prayer.

(Bible references for this talk - Matthew 6:11; Matthew 6:25-34; Matthew 14:13-21)

TEACH US TO PRAY | Your Kingdom Come

TEACH US TO PRAY | Your Kingdom Come

Ed Marsh continues our series on The Lord’s Prayer by asking what the Kingdom of God is and how it should affect our lives today.

Towards the end of the talk, Ed gives us 4 steps to help us grow in praying ‘Your Kingdom Come’.

(Bible references for this talk - Matthew 6:10; Matthew 12:22-28/13)



Dave Mitchell continues our series by looking at what it means to be able to call God our Father as we pray.

TEACH US TO PRAY | Series Introduction

TEACH US TO PRAY | Series Introduction

Luke 11 v1

When asked how they should pray, Jesus gave his disciples a revolutionary answer.

Deborah Marsh introduces our new series, where we’ll be looking at the most famous prayer in history, the Lord’s Prayer, and asking what it teaches us about prayer.

SEE WHAT GOD WILL DO | The birth of Jesus

David Richardson looks at the heart of Christmas, with some help from a few of our younger church members!

Please note that there is no video of this talk, only the audio recording is available.

HEROES OF THE FAITH | Focus on Jesus

HEROES OF THE FAITH | Focus on Jesus

Running the race

In the final talk of our Heroes of Faith series, Dave Mitchell explores what it means to fix our eyes on Jesus in our daily lives.

HEROES OF THE FAITH | Sacrifice and worship

HEROES OF THE FAITH | Sacrifice and worship

Jesus said though that if we want to hold onto our lives we’ll lose them, but if we lose our lives for his sake then we’ll find them!

How can we learn from the lives of those mentioned in Hebrews 11 about how to please God, and why is sacrifice such a big part of pleasing Him? How can we live lives where we give more than we get?

Lara Morris looks at the story of Enoch to help us make sense of how we can walk with God in our lives.

CELEBRATING SCRIPTURE | How does the Bible have authority over our lives?

CELEBRATING SCRIPTURE | How does the Bible have authority over our lives?

When Jesus used and spoke from the Bible he spoke with authority, not like others who used the Scriptures for their own purposes.

In the second talk of our series, Jamie Davies looks more at the idea of authority in our faith:

  • How can we let the authority of the Bible challenge, correct and train us?

  • In what way is the Bible authoritative?

  • What does the phrase "God-breathed" really mean?

CELEBRATING SCRIPTURE | How to understand the Bible

CELEBRATING SCRIPTURE | How to understand the Bible

Psalm 19v7-11

The psalmist says that the Bible is good for:

  • Refreshing the soul

  • Making wise the simple

  • Giving joy to the heart

  • Giving light to the eyes.

However, it was written so long ago, many people find it a challenge to read.

In this talk, Tim Dobson looks at how we can read and understand the Bible today, and the importance of doing so.

FIGHTING THE GOOD FIGHT | Going the distance

FIGHTING THE GOOD FIGHT | Going the distance

In the final talk of our series on Paul’s letters to Timothy, Peter Hatton asks how we can endure in our faith and say that we’ve fought the good fight?



Continuing our series on Paul’s letters to Timothy, Holly Wilson outlines a training plan for Godliness.

During Holly’s talk, Lectio 365 is mentioned as a helpful resource. You can find more details about it here.