Sam Marsh concludes our ‘One Another’ series by looking at what the Bible tells us about submitting to one another.

What does this look like in practice, and how does it differ from the message of the culture around us?

The Bible references for this talk are Ephesians 5 and Philippians 2 v.3-4

ONE ANOTHER | Encourage

ONE ANOTHER | Encourage

As Christians we are called to encourage one another, but how can we make this part of our daily lives?

The Bible reference for this talk is 1 Thessalonians 5 v.5-11



Tim Dobson introduces our new series, One Another, by looking at how we can show the love of Jesus to one another in our daily lives.

The Bible reference for this talk is John 13 v.33-35.

WHY? | Why was Jesus raised to life?

WHY? | Why was Jesus raised to life?

Jesus' death was enough to satisfy God's wrath, but the Bible tells us that the Easter story doesn't finish at Good Friday!

Rachel Noyce looks at why Jesus came back to life, and what impact his resurrection has on how we live.

(Bible reference for this talk - Matthew 28:1-10)

The videos shown in this talk are from TaylorMation. You can watch more Taylormation videos HERE.

WHY? | Why did Jesus have to die?

WHY? | Why did Jesus have to die?

Deborah Marsh asks a question central to Christian faith - why did Jesus have to die?

(Bible reference for this talk - Matthew 27:32-56)

WHY? | Why did Jesus pray three times?

WHY? | Why did Jesus pray three times?

In the Garden of Gethsemane, Jesus prayed three times, seemingly without answer.

Peter Hatton continues our Easter series by looking at the reality of prayer.

(Bible reference for this talk - Matthew 26:36-46)

WHY? | Why was Jesus anointed with perfume?

WHY? | Why was Jesus anointed with perfume?

The woman who anointed Jesus gave up a valuable asset to bless him and prepare him for what was to come, yet the disciples didn’t “get” it.

Tom Carter looks at why Jesus commended her and used her actions as a lesson for his disciples, and asks how we can follow her example of costly worship.

(Bible reference for this talk - Matthew 26:6-13)

WHY? | Why did Jesus choose to ride on a donkey?

WHY? | Why did Jesus choose to ride on a donkey?

We can so easily take the events of Easter for granted. In this series we'll dig into why these events happened, what they achieved and how they affect us nowadays.

In this talk, Rob Scott-Cook asks why Jesus chose to ride on a donkey, and what it means to us now.

(Bible reference for this talk - Matthew 21:1-11)

TEACH US TO PRAY | Temptation and Trial

TEACH US TO PRAY | Temptation and Trial

Ed Marsh continues our series on the Lord’s Prayer by looking at the differences between temptations and times of trial, and how God helps us to resist temptation.

(Bible reference for this talk - James 1 v.12-15)

TEACH US TO PRAY | Deliver us From Evil

TEACH US TO PRAY | Deliver us From Evil

Jesus had a ‘deliverance’ ministry and recognised the enslaving power of evil.

In this talk, Dave Mitchell looks at what evil is and how Jesus can set us free from its enslaving power.

(Bible reference for this talk - Mark 5 v1-20)

TEACH US TO PRAY | As We Forgive

TEACH US TO PRAY | As We Forgive

How do we handle forgiving others, particularly when it isn’t an easy or simple option, like when the offence is truly terrible, deeply abusive and damaging?

How can we access the forgiveness of Jesus expressed on the cross for ‘unforgiveable’ things? Join Clare Thompson as she explores these questions.

(Bible reference for this talk - Matthew 18 v15-35)

TEACH US TO PRAY | Forgive Us Our Sins

TEACH US TO PRAY | Forgive Us Our Sins

Join Rachel Riddall (and her husband’s backpack!) to find out what it means to ask God to forgive us our sins.

(Bible references for this talk - Luke 11:4; Mark 9:42-48)

TEACH US TO PRAY | Daily Bread

TEACH US TO PRAY | Daily Bread

In a world of war, high inflation, financial uncertainty, ongoing challenges from the global pandemic and many other big, pressing issues, what does it mean today to ask God for ‘our daily bread’?

Lara Morris continues our series on The Lord’s Prayer.

(Bible references for this talk - Matthew 6:11; Matthew 6:25-34; Matthew 14:13-21)

TEACH US TO PRAY | Your Kingdom Come

TEACH US TO PRAY | Your Kingdom Come

Ed Marsh continues our series on The Lord’s Prayer by asking what the Kingdom of God is and how it should affect our lives today.

Towards the end of the talk, Ed gives us 4 steps to help us grow in praying ‘Your Kingdom Come’.

(Bible references for this talk - Matthew 6:10; Matthew 12:22-28/13)



Dave Mitchell continues our series by looking at what it means to be able to call God our Father as we pray.

TEACH US TO PRAY | Series Introduction

TEACH US TO PRAY | Series Introduction

Luke 11 v1

When asked how they should pray, Jesus gave his disciples a revolutionary answer.

Deborah Marsh introduces our new series, where we’ll be looking at the most famous prayer in history, the Lord’s Prayer, and asking what it teaches us about prayer.

SEE WHAT GOD WILL DO | The birth of Jesus

David Richardson looks at the heart of Christmas, with some help from a few of our younger church members!

Please note that there is no video of this talk, only the audio recording is available.

HEROES OF THE FAITH | Focus on Jesus

HEROES OF THE FAITH | Focus on Jesus

Running the race

In the final talk of our Heroes of Faith series, Dave Mitchell explores what it means to fix our eyes on Jesus in our daily lives.