Dave Mitchell looks at examples of ‘both/and’ tension in the Christian life.

PRAYERS OF THE SAINTS | Prayer of intercession

PRAYERS OF THE SAINTS | Prayer of intercession

Daniel recognised the authority he had to speak to God, not just about his own situation but on behalf of his whole nation.

We too have been given the authority and responsibility to intercede for situations of significance. In the second talk of our series, Deborah Marsh asks what we can learn from Daniel’s prayer.

Bible references for this talk are Daniel 9:1-19 and 1 Timothy 2:1-2.

PRAYERS OF THE SAINTS | Prayer at the centre

PRAYERS OF THE SAINTS | Prayer at the centre

Prayer is vital to our relationship with the Lord and, as a church, we want to press into prayer. What can we learn from the prayers of God’s people in the bible to help equip us and spur us on?

In this first talk of our new series, Tim Dobson asks what it means to have prayer at the very centre of our lives.

KING OF ME | King of Me

KING OF ME | King of Me

Our 4-week summer series is based on the song King Of Me by Rend Collective

In the final talk of the series, Naomi Clarke looks at how Jesus was anointed, and what anointing means for us today.

The Bible reference for this talk is Matthew 26 v.6-13.

KING OF ME | King of the Whales

KING OF ME | King of the Whales

Our 4-week summer series is based on the song King Of Me by Rend Collective

In the third talk of the series, Annie Crossman helps us take a fresh look at the story of Jonah and the whale.

The Bible reference for this talk is Jonah 1-3.

KING OF ME | King of the Lions

KING OF ME | King of the Lions

Our 4-week summer series is based on the song King Of Me by Rend Collective

In this second talk in the series, congregational leader Deborah Marsh looks at the story of Daniel and the Lions Den, and asks what we can learn from Daniel’s faith in God.

The Bible reference for this talk is Daniel 6.

KING OF ME | King of the Giants

KING OF ME | King of the Giants

Our 4-week summer series is based on the song King Of Me by Rend Collective

In this first talk, David Richardson looks an interactive look at the story of David and Goliath, and asks what we can learn from it today.

The Bible reference for this talk is 1 Samuel 17.

WORSHIP SPECIAL | Pursuing His Presence in Worship

WORSHIP SPECIAL | Pursuing His Presence in Worship

Rob Scott-Cook explores what it means to pursue the presence of God in our daily lives.

The Bible references for this talk are Acts 13 v.2&3 and Isaiah 6 v.1-8, ch.23 v.1-3.

SLOW DOWN | Slowing

SLOW DOWN | Slowing

Modern, Western life seems to be geared towards speed and efficiency.

Many of us are working longer hours and taking less time off. Shops are open for longer and everything is available at a simple click of a button, delivered the very next day. Everything is as convenient and fast as possible.

At the same time, burnout and mental health problems are becoming more and more common.

Does this frenetic pace of modern life work with how we are created to be or are we pushing ourselves beyond what our bodies, minds and souls are created for?

About this series

In this series, we’ll be looking at four practices from The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry by John Mark Comer. These practices are all firmly grounded in ancient, Biblical principles.

About this talk

This is the fourth (and final) talk in our Slow Down series.

Jesus lived an unhurried life, despite having plenty to do! What can we learn from his pace of life and how can it help us get closer to God?

The Bible reference for this talk is Psalm 23:1-3.

Buy the book

The book, The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry, can be purchased online from:

SLOW DOWN | Simplicity

SLOW DOWN | Simplicity

Modern, Western life seems to be geared towards speed and efficiency.

Many of us are working longer hours and taking less time off. Shops are open for longer and everything is available at a simple click of a button, delivered the very next day. Everything is as convenient and fast as possible.

At the same time, burnout and mental health problems are becoming more and more common.

Does this frenetic pace of modern life work with how we are created to be or are we pushing ourselves beyond what our bodies, minds and souls are created for?

About this series

In this series, we’ll be looking at four practices from The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry by John Mark Comer. These practices are all firmly grounded in ancient, Biblical principles.

About this talk

This is the third talk in our Slow Down series.

When our culture encourages us to always get ‘more’, how can the practice of simplicity help our hearts, as well as the planet?

The Bible reference for this talk is Luke 12:13-34.

Buy the book

The book, The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry, can be purchased online from:

SLOW DOWN | Sabbath

SLOW DOWN | Sabbath

Modern, Western life seems to be geared towards speed and efficiency.

Many of us are working longer hours and taking less time off. Shops are open for longer and everything is available at a simple click of a button, delivered the very next day. Everything is as convenient and fast as possible.

At the same time, burnout and mental health problems are becoming more and more common.

Does this frenetic pace of modern life work with how we are created to be or are we pushing ourselves beyond what our bodies, minds and souls are created for?

About this series

In this series, we’ll be looking at four practices from The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry by John Mark Comer. These practices are all firmly grounded in ancient, Biblical principles.

About this talk

This is the second talk in our Slow Down series. With many shops and services being available 24/7 and there being so much you do in life, why should we observe Sabbath? How can we put it into practise?

The Bible reference for this talk is Exodus 20:8-11.

Buy the book

The book, The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry, can be purchased online from:

SLOW DOWN | Silence and Solitude

SLOW DOWN | Silence and Solitude

Modern, Western life seems to be geared towards speed and efficiency.

Many of us are working longer hours and taking less time off. Shops are open for longer and everything is available at a simple click of a button, delivered the very next day. Everything is as convenient and fast as possible.

At the same time, burnout and mental health problems are becoming more and more common.

Does this frenetic pace of modern life work with how we are created to be or are we pushing ourselves beyond what our bodies, minds and souls are created for?

About this series

In this series, we’ll be looking at four practices from The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry by John Mark Comer. These practices are all firmly grounded in ancient, Biblical principles.

About this talk

In this first talk of the series, Ed Marsh asks how the practice of silence and solitude can help us to keep our souls healthy in the middle of the hustle and bustle of modern life.

Bible references for this talk are Mark 1:35 and Luke 5:16.

Buy the book

The book, The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry, can be purchased online from:

CHANGING THE CLIMATE STORY | What’s at the heart of the climate crisis?

CHANGING THE CLIMATE STORY | What’s at the heart of the climate crisis?

Knowing how we can respond to the climate crisis is a big tension for us as Christians, when most of the debate in the world is characterised by fear and anger.

In this talk, Matt Crossman looks at how rooting ourselves in the beginning, middle and end of God’s story can help us to live in a way that makes a real difference on the climate crisis right now.

ALL NATIONS | Global Partnerships Sunday 2023

ALL NATIONS | Global Partnerships Sunday 2023

On Global Partnerships Sunday, Dave, one of our Global Partners, gives us a bigger, wider view of God's multicultural kingdom.

(Bible verses for this talk include Matthew 8:11, Luke 13:29, Genesis 12 and John 20:21.)



What does it take to live a good life? In a world where we’re told to try harder and do better if we’re to see results, the good news of Jesus tells a different story. How is this acted out in baptism?

Tom Carter explores these questions as part of a baptismal service at Highgrove Church.

(The Bible verse for this talk is Titus 3 v.3-7.)



Long journeys can be transformed by a great playlist!

The Psalms of Ascent (Psalms 120-134) were written to accompany pilgrims as they travelled towards Jerusalem. We too can use these songs to give voice to our experiences and to guide our paths towards God.

As we journey through life, how can we equip one another to stay on the right paths? Lara Morris looks at Psalm 128 to help answer this question.

#discipleship #parenting



As people of faith, we’re called not just to see the here and now, but to remember God’s goodness in the past and have faith in God’s goodness in the future.

How does the road behind, help us to keep our eyes on the road ahead?

#raisingfaith #restoration



Long journeys can be transformed by a great playlist!

The Psalms of Ascent (Psalms 120-134) were written to accompany pilgrims as they travelled towards Jerusalem. We too can use these songs to give voice to our experiences and to guide our paths towards God.

How can we lean into the truth of God’s promises and grow in trust and faith? Psalm 121 invites us to consider the source of help and care as we navigate the ups and downs of a journey of faith.

#trust #faith



The coronation of King Charles III took place on Saturday 6th May 2023.

Speaking at Highgrove Church in Bristol the day after this national event, Deborah Marsh looks at three ways Jesus is a very different type of king.