February series: Influencers

February series: Influencers

Our series for February: Influencers

This February, we are looking at stories of women in the Bible who shaped the course of human history by their faith, strength and courage. This series invites us to read their stories and be challenged and inspired into greater devotion towards the God they loved and served. 

Here’s what our messages will be looking at each week…

  • 2 February: Ruth

  • 9 February: Esther

  • 16 February: Mary and Martha

  • 23 February: Mary (Mother of Jesus)

We’re recommending two books that will help you go deeper with the series content.

Tell Her Story by Nijay Gupta
How Women Led, Taught, and Ministered in the Early Church

Better Together by Danielle Strickland
How Women and Men Can Heal the Divide and Work Together to Transform the Future

Prayer Week 2025

Prayer Week 2025

It’s Prayer Week from 19-26 January 2025 - let’s get praying and fasting!

You are invited to join the Woodlands Church Family for a dedicated week of prayer and fasting for our church, city, nation and the world. Let's remember the words of Jesus as we pray. Matthew 6 v 33: 'Seek First His Kingdom'.

As we start 2025, it feels wholly appropriate to gather together in one spirit to fast and pray and cry out to God for his kingdom to come here, as it is in heaven. It is a brilliant way to start the New Year, surrendering ourselves to God's goodness and power and his will for ourselves, our church and our world, which so desperately needs it.

A Week Of Prayer & Fasting

There are lots of ways to join in at home and in person. We’d love it if everyone in our church community got involved…

  1. Book a slot in the Highgrove 24/7 Prayer Room
    You can sign up to pray in hour-long slots in our creative Prayer Room space at our Highgrove building. Sign up here!

  2. Come on a prayer walk around either the Sea Mills or Shirehampton communities
    On Sunday 19 January, 2.30pm - 4pm. Wrap up warm!

  3. Come to our Evening of Prayer & Worship
    Join people from all eight sites of the Woodlands Church Family on Tuesday 21 January from 7.45pm - 9.30pm in the Main Hall at Woodlands Central for an evening of prayer and worship. Our focus is to pray for all areas of the city to be transformed with the love and power of God and to pray for Unity for us and churches across the City.

  4. Join our online 7am prayer gathering on Wednesday 22 January
    Zoom access link here or use Meeting ID: 882 9222 4911 and passcode: 794445.

  5. Fast during Prayer Week
    The Bible teaches the value of fasting in order to focus on prayer and seek God’s will. We would like for our church family to think about fasting and make a plan for how this could fit into your routine during Prayer Week. It could be that you decide to fast a single meal, or fast for a day or even longer. To learn about fasting, read more here or watch this talk from Tim Dobson on Spiritual Disciplines: Fasting & Feasting. If you can only fast one meal or one day, why not fast with others on Tuesday 21 January ahead of the Evening of Prayer & Worship gathering?

  6. Send us your prayer requests
    As a Highgrove leadership team (Deborah, Ed, Tom, Jo, Lara and Holly), we love praying for you. If you have any current prayer requests you'd like us to be praying for during prayer week then please send an email to deborah.marsh@highgrove.church.

  7. Download our Prayer Guide
    Use our handy guide to help you focus and pray throughout the week.

During Prayer Week, we’d love to hear your stories of what God has been saying and doing. Simply contact us and tell us how you’ve felt encouraged or connected this week.

Praying For Our Churches

To help us pray across the Woodlands Church Family during Prayer Week, we asked the leaders of each church to share their prayer requests so that we can pray specifically for each of their needs. We’ll be posting these on Facebook once a day from Monday through Saturday. Please take some time this week to be praying for:

January Teaching Series: PRAYER

January Teaching Series: PRAYER

New series for January: PRAYER

Prayer is talking to God - it can be so simple that even a small child can do it.

But we want our prayer life to mature and deepen.

We’re giving this month across all of our Sunday groups to develop our understanding and experience of prayer, especially as we head to our Woodlands Church Family Prayer Week, 19-26 January. 

We’ll be looking at four aspects of prayer:

  • Authority

  • Revelation

  • Intercession

  • Adoration

Come and join us on Sundays in January (in person or online) as we learn more about prayer together.

ADVENT SERIES: Tidings of Comfort and Joy

ADVENT SERIES: Tidings of Comfort and Joy

We hear so many different messages at Christmas, things we’re meant to be doing, or feeling, or being. This advent at Highgrove Church we’re going back to the true message of tidings of comfort and joy that only Jesus can bring.  

During advent, traditionally, candles are lit in church services and in homes to help remember Jesus coming as the light of the world. The candles all have different themes. This advent, we’re going to embrace these traditions and lean into the significance of each one. In a world that needs hope, is looking for love, is desperate for peace and craves joy, the Christmas story cuts through and teaches us about what real love is. A baby in a manger, a light in the darkness, the one who brings true tidings of comfort and joy.

We hope you will join us on Sundays in December as we journey towards Christmas. For the full programme of Christmas events and activities, check out our Christmas page!

We’re also inviting you to take part in an Advent D-Group challenge, looking deeper at the birth of Jesus and its meaning. Find out more about D-Groups and sign up here.

NEW SERIES: When the Storms Come

NEW SERIES: When the Storms Come

When the Storms Come

New Highgrove Series starting on 13 October

We’ll all face challenges and problems throughout our lives. So where do we turn and who do we depend on when life gets tough?

The Bible contains thousands of promises that God wants to fulfil in our lives.

In this series we’ll think about some of the most significant promises that God has made and how He is the ultimate promise keeper, meaning we can stand firm when the storms come.

Join us in person at either our 9.30am or 11am Sunday service, or online at 9.30am. Catch up with talks from this series by visiting our talks page.

NEW SERIES: This Time Tomorrow

NEW SERIES: This Time Tomorrow

New Highgrove September Series: THIS TIME TOMORROW

Where will you be this time tomorrow and what will you be doing?

We spend a significant proportion of our lives ‘working’, whether in paid or voluntary employment, as a carer or full-time parent or as a student. If we’re honest, most of us have a hard time truly believing that what we’re doing day-in and day-out is important to God or has any lasting significance. But the Bible is clear - your work forms part of God’s purposes in time and eternity.

At Highgrove each Sunday during September, we’ll be interviewing a member of the church family and asking them: ‘What are you doing this time tomorrow?’. We’ll then unpack the ways in which your WORK matters.

Here’s the plan:

1 Sept: Does it matter? - watch online

8 Sept: Working for the smile of God - watch online

15 Sept: At work, as in heaven - watch online

22 Sept: Your vocation is calling - watch online

29 Sept: Making disciples at work - watch online

Join us for our 9.30am or 11am services or online as we take the opportunity to be inspired and encouraged that what you’re doing THIS TIME TOMORROW really matters!

What next?

If you’d like to take some next steps or explore deeper as we go through this series, you may find these resources helpful:

Summer Sundays at Highgrove

Summer Sundays at Highgrove

August at Highgrove: Bible-lympic Champions!

The Bible is full of people who lived faith filled lives. These are women and men who showed their faith in action, living their lives serving God and pursuing his purpose in their life.

This summer we’re taking a moment to reflect on some of these people and their story. Each week we’ll be looking at a key characteristic and exploring how we can live out our faith too.

During August, we will have one service each Sunday - come at 10.30am for refreshments ready for an 11am start! We won't be meeting in separate children or youth groups. We'll also be pausing our online livestream until September.

New series: Helpful Habits

New series: Helpful Habits

New Highgrove Series starting on 30 June

In our recent Grand Designs series, we looked at Identity. So how, as Children of God, Citizens of heaven and Friends of God, do we live differently in this world so we can fully experience and minister the freedom that is ours?

In this series, we’ll look at 5 Helpful Habits that will help us to live radical lives. Join us at either our 9.30am or 11am services at Highgrove!

Catch up with any weeks you miss on our Talks page.

New series: Grand Designs

New series: Grand Designs

Who are you?

This June, we want you to come on a journey of well-being and wholeness as we dive into a new series about understanding our identity in God.

We will be looking at three aspects of the rich identity that God gives to all His people and look at how it helps us to deepen our relationship with God and find wholeness, peace and purpose in the world.

Come on the journey with us either in person or on the weekly livestream.

Woodlands Discipleship Year

Woodlands Discipleship Year

A year to grow in faith
Woodlands Church Family Discipleship Year is a one-year commitment where we invest in your spiritual formation to help you become a more effective follower of Jesus, someone who is secure in the love of God and equipped to sustainably pursue the Kingdom for your lifetime.
Starts in September 2024 and finishes in July 2025

What Is WDY All About?

Who is Discipleship Year for?
WDY is open to people of all ages and stages of life (18+). It is ideal for those looking for a gap year between school and Uni or between Uni and the workplace.

Or you might be exploring a sense of call to leadership and ministry, but you are early in that journey. WDY is an opportunity for those with capacity to give some time to church and deepen in faith.

Where does WDY happen?
Woodlands Church Family has multiple sites across the city of Bristol that you can choose from.

What time is required?
WDY requires a part-time commitment with core activities happening on Mondays and Tuesdays. Plus you would ideally also serve on a Sunday team.

Watch this short video to find out from Dan and Amy what their experience of doing Discipleship Year was like…

What Will The Year Include?

Local Ministry Placement
You’ll choose a ministry area to serve in such as children, youth, worship, tech, leadership, social action, etc or a geographical congregation (Southmead, Sea Mills, Henbury or South Bristol).

Practical Training
You’ll receive practical theology and ministry training provided by the Woodlands Church Family senior leaders. You will be part of a team which will meet regularly and will have times of reflection and retreat together.

Overseas Mission
There will be an overseas ministry trip in the summer term to work alongside one of our Global Partners, who are based in places like Peru, Africa, Eastern Europe and the Middle East.

Want To Find Out More?

What does WDY cost?
There is no cost for WDY, but you will have to find and fund your own accommodation and living expenses. There are a number of Christian Community houses in Bristol that we can connect interested people with.

Find out more about WDY
Please feel free to email Tim Dobson with any questions you might have.

How do I apply?
Simply download the Application Form below and return it to us.

New Series: Holy Spirit

New Series: Holy Spirit

New Series for May 2024: Holy Spirit

When you become a Christian, God gives you His Holy Spirit to live inside of you. God wants to do things in you and through you that are far beyond your best abilities and wildest dreams.

Join us on Sundays in May as we look at how God’s Spirit wants to teach, guide and empower us to live life the way we were always designed to live and to make us more like Jesus in the process. 

Here’s our roadmap:

1) The Promise of the Holy Spirit 

As we look at some of the promises throughout the OT of the Holy Spirit, we see at Pentecost those promises were fulfilled. As we kick off a new series on the Holy Spirit, we look at how God gave this amazing gift to the Church to empower and guide believers. 

2) The Power of the Holy Spirit 

God has designed everyone with different gifts and abilities. But when we are filled with His Holy Spirit God gives spiritual gifts that mean we can live life in a naturally supernatural way. But we need to know what they are and how to develop them. 

3) The Person of the Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit isn't a feeling, a force or a power. The Holy Spirit is our best friend. Who is the Holy Spirit, what does He do and how can we stay in step with Him each day?  

4) The Presence of the Holy Spirit

The Apostle Paul explains our dilemma as humans by saying: ‘what I want to do I do not do, but what I hate I do’. How can we change the narrative at work in us and live the way we were always designed to live? 

Join a Team!

Join a Team!

At Highgrove, we're passionate about helping people to get connected and feel like they belong as part of the church family. One of the best ways to do that is by joining a serving team. No matter your age or experience, there's a team that you can join, serving alongside others and getting to know others in the church.

Find out more by visiting our Serving Teams page or just go straight ahead and express your interest by filling in the form below!

Highgrove Weekend Away 2024

Highgrove Weekend Away 2024

The sign up page for Highgrove Weekend Away 2024 is open!

The weekend away will take place in Hebron Hall Christian Centre in South Glamorgan, with easy access to beaches and Cardiff. It will be from Friday 5th to Sunday 7th of July 2024.

Sign up by clicking the link below! You can book for the whole weekend or if you can’t make it for the whole weekend you can also sign up for just the Saturday.

Tickets for the whole weekend is £80 for adults, £65 for young persons and £50 for children (under 5 tickets are free), or for day visitors £10 for adults, £10 for young persons and £5 for children (again, under 5 tickets are free). However, we don’t want cost to be a barrier for people to attend, so if you are concerned about cost, please speak to Ed or contact him using the link below as there are a number of discounted places available.

Number of places is limited so do book quickly! It will be a fun weekend - looking forward to seeing you there!

Here’s the schedule for the weekend:

New Series: Whispers of Hope

New Series: Whispers of Hope

Our April Sunday series is called Whispers of Hope.

At the end of the Old Testament, we find a collection of twelve short, powerful books known as the Minor Prophets or “the Book of the Twelve.” The title Minor refers to their length, and not to their significance, as each of these books brings an important word from God.

Over the month we’ll focus on four of these books, each with its own uniquely challenging and yet inspiring message.

Join us each Sunday for our 9.30am or 11am service (or online at 9.30am) as we keep our ears open to how God wants to use these timeless messages to speak into our world today.

Easter events

Easter events

Easter is nearly here!

Do check out what’s going on around Highgrove this week. We have a Good Friday reflective service in the evening of Good Friday, an Easter sunrise service on Easter Sunday, and an Easter celebration later on.

Check out our Easter events here.

Looking ahead beyond Easter, we have The Noise coming up during the May bank holiday. Deadline for registering is April 7, so do get signing up!

And of course, Highgrove Weekend Away is happening July 5 - July 7! Don’t forget to sign up, as places are limited!

Sign up for the Noise!

Sign up for the Noise!

The Noise 2024 volunteer registration is now OPEN!

The Noise 2024 will take place from Saturday 4 May - Bank Holiday Monday 6 May. We are super excited to get stuck into how we can be “SHOWING GOD’S LOVE IN PRACTICAL WAYS” in 2024 in our communities. Watch this video promo to find out more:

In Sea Mills, we’ll be undertaking community transformation projects on Saturday and Monday, hosting a Fun Afternoon on Sea Mills Square on Saturday afternoon and running a Cream Tea for Seniors on Sunday afternoon.

Sign up as an individual or as a family below. Charli has contacted Devo youth and parents about Devo Youth sign up separately! 

Bristol Noise is a charity that facilitates community events and projects by equipping volunteers mainly from churches across Bristol to be involved. ’The Noise’ event started in 2001 with 30 volunteers working in Lockleaze and around 100 volunteers in Barton Hill. Since then we have seen 'The Noise' weekend grow hugely into what it is today. In 2019 (pre-pandemic) they had just under 1000 volunteers working all over the city and in 2023 over 650 volunteers. They were involved in garden clear ups for those referred to The Noise, serving in a variety of other ways in their communities and hosting FREE community events for all ages. This year will be the final event altogether before Bristol Noise charity moves into a new season of resourcing churches in the Bristol area, under Noise 365.

If you would like to see what they got up to in The Noise 2023 check out their review video here.

To find out more check out their pages: Instagram - @bristolthenoise / Facebook - @BristolNoise / Web - www.thenoise.org.uk

Love Running is back!

Love Running is back!

The concept is simple - a mass entry into the Great Bristol 10k on May 19th to raise money for the poor, the oppressed and the needy. This is the seventh time we've done Love Running in Bristol, and since we've started we've seen over 2,800 people running and raised around £800,000 for those that need it the most. This year we will be running and raising sponsorship for several Bristol causes and the International Justice Mission - to find out more watch the video above.

To register or for more information click here.

There's a Launch Seminar at Woodlands Central on Saturday 17th February, 10-11.30am. As well as getting inspired and informed, you'll be able to pick up your Tshirt, runners pack, training guides and discount card.

Many of us at Highgrove have taken part in this over the years. As Philip Jinadu, who started it all says: Get fit. Get friends. Change the world. Why not join in?

The Wholeness Course

The Wholeness Course


Are you living your best life? Following the challenges of the last few years, many of us have been thinking more about our wellbeing and mental health.

The Wholeness Course offers a space to learn how to live in the freedom that God brings. Together we identify and remove barriers to growth in our personal lives, deal with gaps in our emotional development, and repair the hurts from the past.

Join us for stories, teaching, time for reflection and prayer ministry, the course offers to all an opportunity to ‘press the reset button’. Here’s what the course will cover…

WHOLENESS 1: Explore Identity
Explore how our lives can be established on the sure foundation of our God given identity. With stories of breakthrough, teaching, including our ‘Spiritual spring clean’ and opportunities for receiving prayer.

  • Who am I? 

  • New Heart New Mind

  • Decluttering: ‘A Spiritual Spring Clean’  

  • Secure

WHOLENESS 2: Explore Freedom
Following on from the foundations of identity, this part of the wholeness course looks at how we can be healed and set free from our past and offers several opportunities to experience healing and prophetic prayer from our experienced ministry team. 

  • Settling the Past

  • Inner Freedom

  • Healing

The next course starts on 13 February 2023 at 8pm at our Woodlands Central building and runs on six consecutive Tuesday evenings.

Salt Shakers

Salt Shakers

Salt Shakers is back! This is our messy church group for family with primary school children, run jointly with St. Edyth’s Church. Sign up below!

NEW SERIES: The Jesus you need to know

NEW SERIES: The Jesus you need to know

New series starting January 2024

Our brand new Sunday series is called The Jesus you need to know from the gospel of John in the New Testament.

This series will take us on a journey all the way through to Easter and we want to spend some quality time lingering in the life and ministry and teaching of Jesus.

At Highgrove, our vision is to continually reproduce the life of Jesus. We do that by helping people to FIND Jesus, to LOVE one another, to FOLLOW Jesus and to SERVE the world.

We’re a JESUS church - a community of people who gather with Jesus at the centre and who look to Him for our example of how to live, how to love, how to welcome, how to forgive, how to serve, how to prioritise, how to pray.

We hope that this journey through John together will help reveal more of Jesus to us and the people we invite to church as we let the Bible speak to us.

The Jesus you need to know doesn’t just give you freedom, love, forgiveness and peace; He also gives you purpose. He gives you a mission; a role in helping others know Him too - that is continually reproducing the life of Jesus.

This month, why not consider inviting someone to Try Alpha, starting at Highgrove on Tuesday 23 January?

Here are some of the main ways you can engage with this series:

  • Why not use this online plan to read through a few verses of John’s gospel each day for 64 days anytime between now and Easter?

  •  Check out our Bible School session from a few years ago called ‘How can we be good readers of John’s gospel?’ which gave us an excellent overview of the book.

So, join us on this journey through John’s gospel and let’s learn from Jesus.